Help us put our mission in action.
Volunteer and Be a Positive Influence
At Sgt. Clean, volunteering is essential to our mission. We offer numerous opportunities for our teams to engage in community service. We take great pride in our team members, who serve as role models in the communities we are privileged to be a part of.
You Can Make a Difference in Your Community
Are you seeking opportunities for volunteering near you? Through our partnership with Business Volunteers Unlimited, we’re pleased to provide an easily searchable database of options in your area. Anyone can use the database, and we encourage you to make volunteer work a part of your life. Help us in lifting up others, so we all can succeed.
Search the Volunteer Needs Database
Click on the link below to find volunteer opportunities in your community. Enter a zip code, and you’ll get a list of available volunteer work, along with contact information for the organization requesting volunteers. The database provides details about the type of work needed and dates (if it’s time sensitive). On the BVU website, you’ll also find information related to family volunteering opportunities near you.
Speed. Smile. Sparkle
Thank you for your interest in volunteering. Together, we can build a brighter future for our communities. At Sgt. Clean, our purpose is speed, smile, sparkle – and that goes beyond clean cars. We can make our communities shine and add our own sparkle by working together, volunteering for others. We hope this database helps you find local organizations where you love to volunteer.
Looking for Fundraising Partners?
Looking for a fundraising partner? We can help! Self-manage your fundraising efforts through Sgt. Clean’s digital fundraising platform! Learn more about how your organization can partner with Sgt. Clean for a better tomorrow!